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PM chat with majikalbud
looking for:dating a woman
distance:2085 km

about majikalbud:
A serious minded professional by day, a whimsical zany comedian by night who can't give up his day job. Beloved father of two who is starting over to find that there is hope and trust in the vast wilderness of the single jungle. Music, movies, tech gadget aficionado (plus the go to guy who can fix almost anything computer related), backgammon, and wine tasting are a few of my hobbies.

what majikalbud would like to do on a first date:
I believe in getting to know someone through their words, their body language and their story telling. Eye contact and ability to tell a joke, laugh, and an engaging sense of humor are all important, as is the dreaded eventual silence when the conversation goes dead - how long it lasts.

majikalbud's profession:
Business Analyst

majikalbud's interests:
Music, Movies, Technology, Wine.

height:5' 8" (173 cm)
body type:average
hair color:black
eyes color:brown
do you still live with your parents?no, I live in my own appartment
do you own a car?yes
marital status:divorced
do you have children?yes
do you want children?no
do you drink alcohol?rarely
do you smoke cigarette?no
do you smoke pot?no
do you take other drugs?no
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