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Registered user
Looking for:dating a man
Country:🇺🇸 United States
City:New York
Distance:790 km
Think you’d click with wikketts?

about wikketts:
I don't push for things to happen, I just go with it and if it happens then its a beautiful thing. I am a person with a BIG heart, I am most effective using a direct, if not aggressive, approach to life. I tend to be proactive. Sometimes I am most comfortable following my heart rather than basing decisions on logic. I am very passionate by nature! The adventurous and courageous in me have made me a leader. I am not afraid to blaze new trails, and, given my independent streak, more than willing to go it alone if necessary.

what wikketts would like to do on a first date:
Best first date is where the man is not pushy, shows true interest, flirting is fine yet not overboard, and also is capable of showing general interest in things that I'm interested in. Going out to dinner and talking honestly about life.

wikketts' profession:

wikketts' interests:
Reading, dancing, parks and outdoors.

would you date someone under 4'10" tall?yes
body type:athletic
hair color:black
eyes color:brown
do you still live with your parents?no, I live in my own appartment
do you own a car?no
marital status:single
do you have children?no
would you date someone who has children?yes
do you want children?yes
your religion:christian - other
do you like metal (the musical genre)?It's ok..
are you vegan?sometimes
do you drink alcohol?sometimes
do you smoke cigarette?no
do you smoke pot?no
do you take other drugs?no
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