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Registered user
Looking for:dating a woman
Country:🇰🇷 South Korea
Distance:11050 km

about gurudanny:
Hello...how to describe myself...well, I'm a nice guy. I do nice guy things. Helping people out of jams, listening to people's problems, knowing what to say and when to say it. You know, nice guy things. I like to tease people alot...mainly because I'm a funny guy. I like to flirt but don't go too far. I also have a big......heart . I'm kind of tired of the whole single bar scene. Tried it and it's not for me. At least, not for finding dates, but I love to hang out there. Now, alot of women on here think most guys are here looking for a fling. I can't speak for all the other guys, but I can assure you, I am not.

a list of likes and don't-likes:

1. good people- a thing that's easy to find if you know where to look
2. Peanut butter & chocolate- the way to my heart
3. The Beatles- the best Rock n' Roll band ever
4. Life- pure and simple
5. Washington Redskins- I think this season will be the best season they had in some time. I'm a true fan who sticks by them no matter what

Don't likes
1. Bad grammar and purposely misspelled words- saying something like: "I just b chillin wit my homies an goin ta skool. Dat's all I eva do." When I read that, it gives me a headache. I also can't stand the phrase "Where you at?" or "Git-Ur-Dun." Totally overused
2. Bad people- Don't try to talk to me if you recently did something evil, like run over a cat with a lawnmower or something comparable
3. Steak- Can't stand steak...but I love my hamburgers...go figure
4. Boredom- Who actually likes being bored anyway?
5. dressing up- Hey, I'm a t-shirt-and-jeans type of guy...doesn't mean I won't dress nicely to go out with the right person

I'm not picky...just drop me a line if you like

what gurudanny would like to do on a first date:
on a first date, ;probably go out for a cup of coffee and take it from there.

gurudanny's profession:
English ( ESL) Teacher

gurudanny's interests:
music, movies, tv, sports, video games, books, hanging out, living life to it's fullest, , .

body type:average
hair color:brown
eyes color:brown
do you still live with your parents?no, I live in my own appartment
do you own a car?yes
marital status:single
do you have children?no
do you want children?yes
your religion:christian - other
do you drink alcohol?regularily but in small quantity
do you smoke cigarette?no
do you smoke pot?no
do you take other drugs?no
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