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PM chat with playfullclp6471
gender:couple (man and woman)
looking for:friends, dating a woman
distance:3260 km

about playfullclp6471:
We’re a happily married couple, who likes to include a playmate at times. Our relationship is great, but keeping the spark lite takes an open mind and some give and take. We find introducing a playmate and trying new things works for us. He’s 100% straight and she’s bi-sexual. We both enjoy hanging at the house (ours or yours) or out somewhere we all would enjoy. We are good with beer/wine by a bonfire, a get together for playing or to just have a good time with friends. We’re a laid back and pretty down to earth couple, who’s likes to enjoy life and what it brings our way. We’re no Ken and Barbie, nor are we looking for Barbie. We just want you to be yourself, not fake, no drama and most of all real.
**Feel Free to Reach Out to Us @
phillips70521 gmail com

what playfullclp6471 would like to do on a first date:
We're open to where the moment leads us.

playfullclp6471's profession:
Business Owner

playfullclp6471's interests:
We'll get in to that..

do you drink alcohol?regularily but in small quantity
do you smoke cigarette?regularly
do you take other drugs?no
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