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PM chat with RainbowGrey29
looking for:dating a man
distance:3380 km

about RainbowGrey29:
9 yr old single gay man living in mercer county for a little while longer. Looking for someone to enjoy the endless possibilities for summer with. I've ben single for 3 years and abstinant for 2. lol I don't know how I've managed but we here i am. I have a year and a half old black lab mix named Bailey and he is the world to me. So yes I guess you can say my ideal guy "must love dogs.." corny as hell... sometimes I'm such a dork.

what RainbowGrey29 would like to do on a first date:
I'm pretty open to about everything, God knows I've done enough to suit most people for a life time. I've lived the wild crazy life for a long time and i'm really looking for a more mature person who can take or leave the regular boundaries subscribed to a same sex coupe in America today.

RainbowGrey29's profession:
Self Employeed

RainbowGrey29's interests:
My Dog, Cooking, The Outdoors, Playing with guns and power tools, Fishing, Camping, gardening and the list goes on and on....

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