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PM chat with spikeymikey2004
looking for:friends, dating a woman or a couple (2 women)
distance:7115 km

about spikeymikey2004:
hiya my username is my kck please drop a message there, im a delivery driver and i likes to travel about , i meet people all day, and had met off line, so im up for that, but as friends, hang out or favers, i do drive about and taxi a bit, so if im close and you ask i might be able to help , im a handy man, and can do a far bit with my hands, so you if you like to decorate by all means i can help lol :) im up for anything really, , i will respect you and your safety, what i know only stays with me, as i would only respect the same back, im not perfict, but friends is good to have, i am an inventer as a hobbie and in to cars ,,so i have intellegence, but also crazy ,

what spikeymikey2004 would like to do on a first date:
anything , thats the point ,, options welcome, what eash other wants to get up to , im your company,

spikeymikey2004's profession:
delivery driver

spikeymikey2004's interests:
inventing, cars, drag racing, talking, music, anything.

height:5' 6" (168 cm)
body type:athletic
eyes color:hazel
do you own a car?yes
marital status:single
would you date someone who has children?yes
your religion:non-religious
do you like metal (the musical genre)?It's ok..
do you drink alcohol?rarely
do you smoke pot?occasionally
do you take other drugs?no
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