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PM chat with Please_Read_My_Profile_First
looking for:friends, dating a woman or a couple (man and woman) or a couple (2 women) or a group or a ts/tv/tg
distance:4310 km

about Please_Read_My_Profile_First:
WHEN OR IF YOU WRITE TO ME, PUT THE SUBJECT AREA THIS: YES ERNIE,I DID READ YOUR PROFILE. Emails that say those words will for sure get my response. I really do hope to meet you soon!!!

FLASH, I am here in search of the perfect Lady that can ,and will Love me just as much (or more) as I will be Loving her. And that Love includes a bunch of open and honest communication with no judgment! Plus lets not forget us freely enjoying making our fantasies cum alive. I have a head full of them that I never could never even talk about them with the men or women of my past. So, this time I am putting it out there MY WANTS and NEEDS which should wrap around your wants and needs as well. Giving us everything we need to to be there for the other. Together exploring what there is that we missed. Lets see what hot naked sex is REALLY all about. Together!!

I AM LOOKING WOMEN LOCAL TO San Jose CA. I DO THANK ALL WHO WRITTEN, however, IF YOU DID WRITE TO ME AND YOU ARE NOT LOCAL, then I already know that we WILL NOT workout. I don't know, for me, I read the profile before texting, so that I have at least something else to say then "Hi".No thought at all, But I hope and pray that things are better here
Anyhow, I am looking for a few things in you ladies, working to the End Goal of a life partner and Love. I was last married 25 years, I have been divorced sense mid 2015. I have been alone , and I found out that I hate being alone. I don't go out to places alone to find someone, I have been away from dating far to long.. I once was the ladies man and charmer, and I could make a woman forget everything . I love to eat pussy and I always made sure everyone of them had at least two earth shakers that left them , or whom ever. The way I am seeing this search for me last love as a school and all of you are my teachers, which brings me to tell you something that I believe. I was raised by my mother and my sister , who was 16 months younger then me. As I was growing upI started to see how great mom and Leona really were. I watched mom do things to get the things we needed. was good at calling the shots. I wanted to be like them, But I'm a man,

Anyways I hope to meet a few Ladies I give up trying to have

what Please_Read_My_Profile_First would like to do on a first date:
HONESTLY, I would like to meet maybe over a dinner at some place she/they choose. While there we would talk most likely know what happens next in the first 30 second of fist site. then we sit, order, talk about adding prospective. and depth to who we are. If all goes well, we need to decide whether we leave to a place to get busy, OR wait until our next meeting. Either way, I'm sure we will have a grate time together.

Please_Read_My_Profile_First's profession:

Please_Read_My_Profile_First's interests:
1)Blues music, 2) guitars, 3) my Harley, 4)Doing anything together with my Love, 5)Watching My Goddess grow into her power, and It is scary Having no way as to what ever she saysbeing with a strong Loving woman, Taking videos of anything.

height:5' 10" (178 cm)
would you date someone under 4'10" tall?yes
body type:thin
hair color:gray
eyes color:brown
do you still live with your parents?I live in an appartment with roomate(s)
do you own a car?yes
marital status:divorced
do you have children?no
would you date someone who has children?yes
do you want children?no
your religion:non-religious
do you like metal (the musical genre)?I'm a metal head! lml
are you vegan?no
do you drink alcohol?regularily but in small quantity
do you smoke cigarette?no
do you smoke pot?occasionally
do you take other drugs?occasionally
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