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PM chat with ChelseaRose
looking for:friends, dating a man
distance:13235 km

about ChelseaRose:
If you like piña coladas and getting caught in the rain If you're not into yoga, if you have half a brain If you like making love at midnight in the dunes of the cape Then I'm the love that you've looked for, write to me and escape

ABOUT MYSELF: I appreciate nature in all its forms and do not appreciate unconscientious people that disregard the lives of others as in every animal there exists a person. I love the sound of rain pouring down on a tin roof whilst sipping on a hot cup of homemade soup. I love early morning sunrises and the beginnings of Spring, hot weather & berg winds. I love cooking up a storm, testing out & creating new recipes. I am an excellent baker / cook and I do not hold a qualification but I can cook many a qualified chef to shame. I could thrive on an Island out in the middle of nowhere, as long as it was about the size of Mauritius. Never been there though. I don't swim with the mainstream of thoughts. I splash about in my own pond. Happy animal lover, home body, own best friend & care deeply about animal rights. When you take on an animal it is for life! Believe in animal rights before human rights. Without animal rights there can be no human rights. If you have a conscience that works come & say hi on Skype to a friendly, talkative, chatty, down to earth & unpretentious lady. Weight:52kg. Height: 160 cm.

NOT HERE TO SLEEP WITH 101 DALMATIANS. HERE TO MAKE FRIENDS. FRIENDSHIP DOES NOT COME WITH EXCLUSIVITY RIGHTS, NEITHER DO RELATIONSHIPS, UNLESS THERE IS COMMITMENT. I am looking for Mr Right .. To walk off into the sunset .. To get married and to live happily ever after. I am not rushing into any relationship right now and until then it will remain as strictly platonic friendships, which is the number one glue that keeps relationships together. My favourite Character to listen to on You Tube is Christopher Hitchens and my top two favourite songs on You Tube are "The Dutchman" by Liam Clancy & "Sante Maria" by Mirielle Mathieu. Take a listen.. Money is something I do not waste which I have respect for. The only thing I have ever paid off in life was a house. You should message me if you are ready for a commited relationship
Looking for
Someone who is more than everything that I am in all aspects ie, Education, intelligence, weight, height, size, success, etc.. Is conscientious, decisive, down to earth, fun loving, playful, crazy, full of surprises and an animal lover that respects nature. Looks don't count, but quality of soul together with chemistry does. MY TURNOFFS ARE: Able bodied people that park in wheel chair bays, drunks, rude disrespectful men, liars, cheats and tricksters, married men, men in relationships and those that are just looking for leg over. Strictly no hunters or fishermen.

ChelseaRose's profession:
Self Employed

ChelseaRose's interests:
Cooking, baking, DIY, or anything that is creative and much more.

height:5' 3" (160 cm)
body type:thin
hair color:brown
eyes color:brown
do you still live with your parents?I live in my own house
do you own a car?yes
marital status:divorced
do you have children?yes
would you date someone who has children?yes
do you want children?no
your religion:catholic
do you like metal (the musical genre)?It's ok..
are you vegan?no
do you drink alcohol?no
do you smoke cigarette?no
do you smoke pot?no
do you take other drugs?no
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