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PM chat with renlan91
gender:couple (man and woman)
looking for:friends, dating a woman or a couple (2 women)
distance:2635 km

about renlan91:
We can only be what you think and allow of us. So think Big and don't restrict us. Nice and outgoing. Respectful and honest. Real and upfront. Don't take or kindness for weakness and remember There's a little bit of evil in all people but in some people there's a little more evil than in most people, I am one of those people. We only seek comfort and truth. Not to hurt but can handle the work if needed.

what renlan91 would like to do on a first date:
Go out to eat or cook myself, something of dates interest whatever it may be, relax have a good time and learn about either alone or with close friends, ride back roads till its late, then goodbyes or good night's

renlan91's profession:
Construction/ Remodeling

renlan91's interests:
Read, Hunt, rebuild or destroy, all Music(learning piano), making others feel incredible.

height:5' 9" (175 cm)
would you date someone under 4'10" tall?yes
body type:athletic
hair color:brown
eyes color:blue
do you still live with your parents?I live in a house with my lover/family
do you own a car?yes
marital status:married
do you have children?yes
would you date someone who has children?yes
do you want children?yes
your religion:other
do you like metal (the musical genre)?It's ok..
are you vegan?no
do you drink alcohol?regularily but in small quantity
do you smoke cigarette?regularly
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